Better than normal

Writing Contribution by Robyn Field

“But…no. No, no, no,” I said, shaking my head at my husband, Michael. “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Michael asked, his mouth twitching like it does when he thinks I’m being funny.

I bit my lip and looked around our tiny living room for an answer. We were twenty-four-year-old newlyweds with just two years of work under our belts, and our apartment, while abundant in dirty dishes, dripping faucets, and Harry Potter books, didn’t have an answer for me.

Robyn Field

My shoulders slacked a little with the embarrassment of my answer. “Because…quitting my ‘normal’ job to write books is like, you know. Different. People don’t do stuff like that.”

Michael raised his eyebrows.

I sighed. “I mean, some people do it, yes. But not…me. You know? I’m…I don’t know.” My voice got softer and I could feel my cheeks burning. “What would people…you know…think?”

“Does that part really matter?”

I frowned and crossed my arms. I just had to go and fall in love with a mature person.

Robyn Field

Stepping out of my job as an elementary school teacher to pursue writing children’s books was the scariest career choice I’ve ever made.

It was also the best career choice I’ve ever made.

Originally, I’d gone to college for a Creative Writing degree, but a desire to teach kids how to read found me graduating an Early Childhood Ed major.

However, two years into teaching elementary school, as much as I loved my students and their young minds, I felt starved in a strange way.


Apparently, my husband could see it.

And truthfully, so could I.

But I’d gotten used to the knowing smiles people gave me when I told them I was a teacher. “How wonderful!” they’d say.

Yes, I’d think, my chest puffed. I’m contributing to society very well. Good for me!

better than normal

But it wasn’t long before God gently tapped on my shoulder and whispered, “You know those dreams you have? I gave them to you. Don’t be afraid of being different.”

But I don’t want to be different, I’d respond with a huff. I just want to fit into my normal plans.

But what I learned is, God isn’t “normal.” He’s good. SO good! But He isn’t “normal” by any means.

You know, think about it! God created giraffes and bubbles and belly laughs and wind and dolphins and crackling fires and so why do we think He calls us to a safe, tame life?

It’s so much better than that.

He calls each of us to a glorious adventure – something we can only do running hand-in-hand with Him. What’s your adventure? It won’t look like mine.

It won’t look like your neighbor’s.

But I can guarantee you something.

Ask Perfect Love what it is He’s calling you toward…and He’ll show you. He’ll lead you. He’ll go with you.

And you’ll love it. It might not be easy or safe…but when has anything good ever come from easy or safe?

P.S. – Three books into my writing career, my heart has never been so full of life and beauty. I pray that you, too, embark on your own greatest adventure with the greatest Adventurer. He’s got good plans for you, friend. Go enjoy them.

And go enjoy Him.

About Robyn Field.

Robyn FieldRobyn is the creator of Fields of Grace blog, which explores twenty-something life, newlywed troubles and triumphs, and a few ridiculous(ly awesome) dessert recipes. She is currently finishing revisions on her third novel, a middle-grade fantasy about fairies and popularity and maybe a unicorn or two. Additionally, she is a 2017 Writer’s Digest Competition winner, and has used both her creative passion and background in teaching to design a creative writing workshop for elementary and middle school students.

She lives with her rockstar husband and two crazy cats in Georgia, and can most likely be found reading, attempting dorky dance workout videos, or expertly avoiding laundry.

You can connect with her on:



Fields of Grace blog

Author website

Photography: (from blog top to bottom)
Photo 1 & 3: Danielle Hulsey
Photo 2 & 4: Kirsten MacDonald


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  1. Nancy
    February 12, 2018, 6:25 EST

    You hit the husband jackpot! Glad he gave you the nudge when you needed it!

  2. Daneen
    February 12, 2018, 10:07 EST

    Loving how you didn’t ignore God’s gentle prodding, and your husband’s wisdom. What a wonderful reminder that God WANTS us to have the desires of our heart! Sometimes we just have to be still and listen for those reminders & nudges… and then be bold enough to take the first step and let the adventure begin! Thanks for sharing how it is possible to make your dreams come to fruition when you are passionate about something, and you’re willing to step out in faith! With God, all things are possible!

    • D at BY&T
      February 13, 2018, 7:55 EST

      Ahhhh… I love everything about your response. Thanks Daneen!

  3. Robyn Field
    February 13, 2018, 5:29 EST

    Thank you so much!! Gosh your response is penned so beautifully. Thank you for reading and for encouraging me!

  4. Kim
    February 13, 2018, 8:47 EST

    Wow! I love this girl! I can hardly wait to go check out her Instagram account. What a treasure she is to so many to be able to share Her God given gifts. Makes my heart so happy to see God’s dream walked out in real life. You go girl!!! Thanks D for sharing!!!

    • D at BY&T
      February 15, 2018, 5:58 EST

      I couldn’t agree with you more Kim! xoxo

    • Robyn
      February 15, 2018, 5:33 EST

      Thank you so much for reading my story!! I’m so glad it was as encouraging to read as it was to write!

  5. Dedra Davis
    February 15, 2018, 12:39 EST

    D, this is great, not only because I admire Robyn and her writing but because I admire and adore her story. Thank you for sharing!